Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Making Progress

To all of you who anxiously awaiting Redmond's finest coffeehouse: THANKS!!!

It is so encouraging, every day, to be asked about the progress. People other than ourselves are as excited by this as we are. But, it makes me realize that I need to keep you all updated better. Soo.......

In the last 3 1/2 months we have:

  • roasted over 50lbs of coffee (maybe not much by you large roaster companies, but when you're talking 50lbs cup by cup in a popcorn popper....we're doing pretty good!)
  • used 6 popcorn poppers
  • replaced 2 popcorn poppers
  • put in 2 lease offers
  • interviewed 6 contractors
  • cupped 6 different coffees
  • been amazed at God's "minor purchasing miracles" for objects d'art for the coffee house
  • relied heavily on our amazing Realtor
  • pulled into a drive-in coffee kiosk to "check out the competition", and heard 3 little voices from the back seat yell out "I want a hazelnut latte." Aren't they too young for that?
  • attended meetings with a CPA and attorney
  • Set up a paypal account & shipped our coffee over 150 miles away. (If this would be helpful to you, email us at and we'll get your coffee to you ASAP!)

There's more, but this is getting to be a long blog. There are still a lot of hoops to jump through, papers to sign and construction-y things to happen. For those of you that pray, keep us has been stressful, but good lately.